Capstone Cottages of Lubbock is the perfect housing complex for students looking to personalize their college experience by living life on their own terms in between lecture hours. Contact us for student apartments near Lubbock Tx.
Q:(Traduit par Google) Le voyage d'entretien consiste-t-il à aller nager si vous n'habitez pas là-bas ?
Do the maintence trip about you going swimming if you dont live there?
(Traduit par Google) Merci pour votre question! Notre piscine est réservée aux résidents et invités des résidents uniquement !
Thank you for your question! Our pool is reserved for residents and guest of residents only!
CCapstone Cottages of Lubbock
5 years ago
Q:Do the maintence trip about you going swimming if you dont live there?
Thank you for your question! Our pool is reserved for residents and guest of residents only!